An apartment complex property manager called Paul Weaver recently. Fur was flying.
Their dog park was such a muddy mess, nobody would use it.
Things were ruff. None of the tenant’s pooches were dog tired.
Weaver, Level Green Landscaping’s construction manager, came to the rescue, fetching rolls of synthetic turf, wood chips and tidy retaining walls.
Weaver shares his off-the-leash tips for creating a howl-worthy dog haven.
“In Washington DC, most people have dogs, but there aren’t a lot of places for them to run,” Weaver says. “So dog runs or dog parks are a real drawing point to get new tenants.”
Dogs enjoy an open space to run, romp and sniff the butts of new pals, as well as water stations and toys.
And, Weaver points out, “They’re not muddy.”
Everybody loves clean paws.
“If you want to fill your apartments,” Weaver says, “they’re a great idea.
“After the turf goes in, suddenly a dog park that used to be muddy is getting double and triple the use,” he says.
“Now owners have somewhere attractive to take their pets.”
Most manufacturers of artificial turf manufacture a specific type designed for dog runs and dog parks, Weaver says.
They drain well, have antibacterial properties and they’re non-toxic, so if Duke nibbles a bit (don't get mad — he’s sorry) he won’t get sick.
“No one brand of turf is really better than another,” Weaver says. Some are more expensive because they do more marketing, he says.
He chooses them based on the customer’s budget, as well as the service offered by the vendors.
“I use products whose vendors partner well with me,” he says. “I have eight samples on my cabinet right now and you can’t tell the difference between them.”
Artificial turf rolls out like carpet, Weaver says. Crews tape the seams and nail it to surrounding 2-by-4 boards.
There’s drainage underneath, so maintenance crews can hose it off daily with no worry of soggy turf or standing water.
A dry granular chemical with enzymes can be sprinkled on once a month to eat the bacteria.
“There isn’t much maintenance,” Weaver says.
“If a dog chews a corner off, we can replace it.”
If you think real grass will work just fine, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
“Real grass, with all that dog traffic, just gets torn up,” Weaver says.
He tells of one dog park that chose to install sod last year to try to save money.
“It lasted maybe a week,” he says. “The dogs destroyed it.
“You pay more up front for artificial turf, but it’s a permanent investment,” he says. “The manufacturers offer a 10-year warranty on it, but most will last longer than that. I’ve been told this turf will be here long after we’re gone.”
Turf ranges in price from $6 to $30 a square foot, Weaver says, with most hovering in the middle at about $12 to $15 per foot, installed.
Additional labor might be needed, he says, if there are drainage or grading issues.
Trust Weaver to help you choose the best artificial turf for a dog run — then stand back and watch the furry fun.
If you’re not already a Level Green Landscaping client, we’d love to add you to our growing list of happy customers.
Our focus is on commercial properties like offices, mixed-use sites, HOAs, municipalities and institutions in Maryland, Washington DC and parts of Virginia.
Contact us at 202-544-0968. You can also request a free consultation online to meet with us one-on-one.
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Doug Delano (and Bill Hardy) opened Level Green Landscaping LLC in 2002 to offer Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia reliable commercial landscape maintenance services.